The Cup

‘Cross the Nullarbor Plain
There’s a trial of great fame,
And it goes by the Name of “The Cup”,
Yes, it’s held in the West
Where the dogs are the best,
And to win it you need more than luck

Yes, you need a “Gun” dog
That can see through a fog,
And whose nose is the best in the land,
One who’ll take a straight line
When sent for a “blind”,
And who’ll stop in flash on command.

Now this dog must be steady,
Yet be ever ready
To make a “cast” bird in the sky
One who’ll face cover –
A real water “lover”
But above all a dog that will try.

Yes, “The Cup’ is a Trial
that will make some dogs smile
While others will shake in their leads.
And of the dogs that have “run” it
You’ll know which have “won” it
For others will speak of their “deeds”

“Gould Finger”
(Also known as T. “Banjo” Gould)


Contact Details

Retrieving Club of WA (Inc)
Secretary: Mr George Jones
Phone: 0437 590 135
Email: [email protected]